PC World Komputer 1998 November
Valve Builder.VSL
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Text File
115 lines
100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
101 &About Valve Builder...
102 1: Open
103 2: Closed
104 1: Open(direct)
105 2: Open(crossover)
106 3: Closed
107 1: Open(direct)
108 2: Open(crossed)1
109 4: Open(crossover)
110 5: Closed
111 6: Tandem
112 7: Connected
113 8: A-P-T
114 1: Open(same)
115 2: Open(opposite)
116 3: Cross(same)
117 4: Cross(opposite)
118 5: Closed
119 1: Open
120 2: Closed
121 3: Tandem
122 4: A-P-T
123 5: B-T-P
124 6: T-B-A
125 7: P-A-B
126 8: A-B
127 9: A-T
128 10: B-T
129 11: P-B
130 12: None
131 1: Open(same)
132 2: Open(opposite)
133 3: Closed
134 4: None
135 1: Spring
136 2: Plunger
137 3: Roller
138 4: Manual
139 5: Push/Pull
140 6: Lever
141 7: Pedal
142 8: Electric rotor
143 9: Solenoid
144 10: Pilot-operated
145 11: Detent
146 14: None
147 1 Winding
148 2 Windings
149 Roller
150 One-way Trip
151 Pedal
152 Treadle
153 One Stage
154 Two Stages
155 Pressure Use
156 Pressure Release
157 Arial
158 Valve completed.
159 Premature termination of Valve Builder. Valve was not completed.
160 Hairline
161 Black Fill
162 White Fill
163 Copyright (C) 1997 Visio Corporation. All rights reserved.
164 Cannot get Visio application object.
165 Valve Builder
166 Active Visio window is not a drawing or stencil. Please exit and select a valid window type.
167 Cannot open file.
168 End of file encountered.
169 Cannot close file.
170 File has not been read properly.
171 File has been successfully read and built in Visio.
172 File has been written.
173 S&elect text file to write to
174 S&elect text file to read from
175 &Build
176 &Write
177 Loading Visio...
178 Valve Builder
179 No help topic could be found.
180 Opening window...
181 Building valve
182 of
183 Shape at ¢er.
184 Shape at &origin.
185 Master at ¢er.
186 Master at &origin.
187 3: Offset
188 Valvefile.txt
189 12: Temperature
190 13: Compensator
191 Click "Build" to build from textfile.
192 Click "Options" to select another build mode.
193 This is a test to see if string wrapping will work when the string is too long.
194 ░
195 Valve Options
196 M
197 Valve Body Preview
198 Valve Controls Preview
199 Arial
200 2: None
201 1: Closed
202 3: Open(crossed)2
203 Invalid file.
204 Building valve...
205 Copyright ⌐ 1997 Visio Corporation. All rights reserved.
206 Arial centered
207 Fluid power
208 Fluid flow
209 Normal
211 Shape at drop lo&cation.
212 Shape.hlp!#15000
57344 Visio\Valve Builder